Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (2025)

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (1)

Out of TP? Here’s where to buy toilet paper in bulk!

The toilet paper craze of 2020 left nearly every store shelf cleaned off as everybody and their neighbor was scrambling to grab all the rolls they could get their hands on. If you were one of the unlucky ones who was left with single-ply tissues or wipes that could end up clogging your drains, we feel your pain.

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (2)

Although sales have slowed down a bit, toilet paper is still in very high demand, so we’ve compiled a list of the best places to stock up so you don’t find yourself with a shortage when you really need it!

Since every toilet paper roll is a little different in length and the number of sheets, our comparisons are based on price per sheet for consistency. You can also calculate the cost per sq. ft., but not every manufacturer includes that information in the product details.

P.S. Although the giant commercial roll pictured above would probably last you an eternity, our list only includes regular-sized toilet paper rolls!

Here are 5 places you can purchase a large quantity of toilet paper:

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (4)

1. Warehouse clubs

If you’re a Costco, Sam’s Club, or BJ’s member, you can likely take home quite a few rolls for less than what you’d pay at most grocery stores.

Although superstore brands such as Kirkland and Member’s Mark are less popular than Charmin or Quilted Northern, they come highly rated and still deliver exceptional quality.

Hip Tip: Not sure how much toilet paper you should be using? Check out our helpful guide!

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (5)

2. Walmart

Our list of where to buy toilet paper in bulk wouldn’t be complete without the savings superstore on it! Believe it or not, you can take home just as many rolls from Walmart as you would at Costco or Sam’s Club with relatively the same cost per roll.

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (6)

3. Amazon

If you don’t have a Walmart or wholesale club nearby and don’t know where to buy toilet paper in bulk, just head on over to Amazon where you can choose from a number of highly-rated toilet paper brands. If you’re a Prime member, you’ll save even more with free shipping!

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (7)

4. Office supply stores

Pens and paperclips aren’t the only things you can buy in bulk at stores like Staples and Office Depot and you might luck out with more in-store options as it’s a less popular place to shop for bath tissue.

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (8)

5. Target

Whether shopping in-store or online, Target is another great place to score a large amount of TP at a reasonable price. From their affordable Up & Up brand options to their money-saving price-match policy and Target Circle offers, it’s not hard to save big on toilet paper at Target!

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (9)

Stay calm and stock up on toilet paper.

Getting your hands on a few rolls doesn’t have to be a never-ending scavenger hunt. When you know where to buy toilet paper in bulk ahead of time, you’ll not only save yourself the time and stress of perusing different stores, but you’ll also save a good chunk of change!

Don’t forget to also check your Walgreens and CVS weekly ads for deals on toilet paper. Pharmacies don’t have as many bulk purchase options, but you can still save a ton when you shop during the sales!

Keep in mind that while toilet paper is in high demand, it’s important to be thoughtful of other shoppers in need and abide by the retailer’s purchase limits. And whatever you do, just don’t buy flushable wipes and flush them —they could wreak serious havoc on your pipes!

Need to stock up on other household essentials? Head this way for all the best deals!

Where to Buy Toilet Paper in Bulk (The TP Craze Continues!) (2025)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.