Army of Two: The 40th Day
- Army of Two 40th Day ______________________ Weapons & Stuff_______________________________________________________________________________This file may not be published by any online property that is owned by, hasaffiliation with, is a partner to, or participated in any content sharingtransaction (written, verbal, or otherwise) with CBS Corporation. The latestversions of the document, associated media and errata will always be firstavailable at FAQS.IGN.COM._______________________________________________________________________________Mission 001: Shanghai StreetsMorale ChoiceExecuting J.B. will earn you more money ($7,500). Sparing him earns you nothingbut a postcard from the Seychelles and a cheap bottle of African beer.Weapons & Parts+ G14 Thunderstrike Barrel in the tutorial strongbox.+ Slanted G5 Grip on the square catwalk above the first mounted gun turret inthe construction yard (near the Neko cat).+ Custom Shield past gate control; outside the window of radio 3.Civilians (2)This is an easy encounter. Simply have your partner take one and arrest themercs without incident.Radios (3)1 -- Before getting equipment (and changing your costume) this radio is rightwhere you meet J.B. If you go through the ducking tutorial, you missed it.2 -- After the mission's morality choice, you will see this radio beforelifting the next door (and getting a save point).3 -- In the final section (where the Shotgun Heavy appears), there is a controlroom for the gate switch. The radio is in the control booth; the Custom ShieldPart is actually right next to this radio.Neko Cats (2)1 -- In the same zone where the second beacons are placed (after theenemy-hostage taking tutorial with J.B.) there is a cat on the rooftop. Locatethe ladder leading down to the rooftop. From the top of that ladder, positionthe view so the exit door (the door unlocked by J.B. after the battle) is onyour lower left screen corner. The cat should be visible on the right half ofyour play field.2 -- After the morality choice, the fight takes place in a two-tierconstruction yard with an emplaced gun turret. The cat statue will be at thefirst pit, on the side of the second level overlooking the lower level. If youhear Salem asking, "What the hell do these guys want?" you're in the correct zone._______________________________________________________________________________Mission 002: In Case of FireMorale ChoiceTaking the weapons at the consulate will earn you a new shotgun and a M416 (the most powerful "default" assault rifle after barrel modifications). Leaving the weapons means you're a sucker who lets others make more money than you.Weapons & Parts + HM Shotgun and M416 from morale choice. + P90 from first group of hostages (the ones across the gap at the skyscraper). + Sodacan Silencer on the yellow seats right after the first hole in Descent(before the Co-op surrender tutorial) + EZ Muzzle Enhancer on other side of the skyscraper fight (where Rios andSalem fight downstairs while separated after saving or killing two hostages).On the third level down (the floor above the emplaced gun) check the darkcorners behind a counter to find this part (it'll be by two elevators). + Z1 Muzzle Reducer on a desk in the room with the second PMC strongbox (thisis after descending the skyscraper on separate routes but before the moralchoice at the consulate's weapons locker).Civilians (3)The first two is basically an exercise of co-op sniping. When zoomed in, youcan activate enhanced reality and tag enemies. While zoomed in so, you will seewhich enemy your (A.I.) partner is aiming at; aim for the other enemy and takeout both enemies. You get the ID cards automatically.For the hostage after the security room, simply blast one enemy while yourpartner takes the other guy. Regardless if you take the time to do thispeacably or not, enemies will come into the room and attack, so save thehostage quickly.Radios (2)1 -- At the mock surrender tutorial (after crossing over the fallen skyscraper)you will find the radio easily.2 -- After the separate descent in skyscraper, a second radio will be near anenemy strongbox (and another chance to do a mock surrender).Neko Cats (2)1 -- Clear (but do not pass) the zone where T.W.O. are crossing the toppledskyscraper. From the enemy sniper's position (or the exit from the zone) lookback the way you came. There are some windows to your character's left. The catis at one end of that ufizi (office) window array.2 -- On the last highway checkpoint (the one right before the Mini-GunSuper-Heavy), you start on a roadway with some PMC infantry on the ground andsome on a highway sign to the Shanghai City Zoo. The cat statue is a bit to thesign's left (it's on the same altitude as the PMC snipers)._______________________________________________________________________________Mission 003: The ZooMorale ChoiceKill the rare white tiger for some weapon parts. Sparing it will earn younothing -- because environmentalists have nothing you want unless they happento be hot chicks (and if they were, they'd be modelling nude for PETA, nothanding out flyers on a street corner).Weapons & Parts + DE .44 Handgun from rescuing the second batch of hostages. + FR Elite Model 3 Sniper Buttstock, V17 Bayonet, for morale choice. + Chepznaz Redstar Part (Sniper rifle barrel) in the tram control room (theone after the hippo pit). + PCG Delta EX (6X) Sniper Scope at the enemy strongbox where the choppercrash site is. + Pipe Bomb launcher on top of the cage across from the zoo-worker hostage.Take the ladder and grab this handy grenade attachement (it's functionally thesame as the M203 launcher but free).Civilians (7)The initial batch of hostages can be rescued by carefully using your A.I. totake hostages. Unless the enemy is moving and sees the A.I., your computerpartner is way better than you at stealth.For the hostages at the zoo, be sure to mock surrender after rescuing themandatory zoo-worker (to open the red panda face door); detonate the rightexplosive barrel but not the other one and you should be home free.Radios (2)1 -- At the first hostage scene where there are 3 hostages and 3 soldiers justpast the first gate.2 -- After the loading dock ambush at the zoo, check the loading area beforeleaving.Neko Cats (2)1 -- There is an emplaced gun on top of the tram control room (this is aftercrossing the hippo pit). Check the roofline to the emplacement's left for this cat.2 -- Once you've cleared the way to the chapter's exit, look up at the zoo'sback gate. It's the classic Helghast emblem over a doorway ploy._______________________________________________________________________________Mission 004: HospitalMorale ChoiceHave the kid help fight or let him be a weiner. Having the kid grab the riflewill unlock the .50 Caliber Barrett; protecting the kid will earn you $30,000.Money is handy on a subsequent play-through, but unlocking weapons is moreimporant the first time. Remember you can make another kid easily but goodweapons are hard to come by.Weapons & Parts + 7337 Defender shotgun barrel after the first group of hostages but beforeactivating the comms array on the roof. From the comm-room door, go down thestairs and head straight to a tenament with two windows, a lantern, and a crateon a table. The placard is to the the table's left. + G18 will be unlocked at the hospital weapon room only if you made all "good"morality choices in the first three stages. This weapon is nice, but being evilgives you more weapons. + M636 Scope (2X) Rifle scope from the first hostage at the hospital surgery ward. + HL Reflex Core Stock Part (for the AA-12 Shotgun) is found in the U-shapedhallway before meeting the kid (and after starting the generator). Check allthe blue doors for one to open a storage closet for this part. + D56 Suppressor Part (SMG part) from saving the hostages in the lecture hallafter meeting the kid. + T6-400 Shield Part at end of the hallway after the two FlamethrowerSuper-Heavies (and before exiting elevator to meet the Chinese doctor).Civilians (6)Nothing too problematic unless you don't have a silencer already. Use the sodacan silencer on the handgun to neutralize lone enemies before moving in to takeenemies hostage. The A.I. partner is good for taking enemies hostage asdescribed before.For the second batch of hostages in the streets stage, have the A.I. boost youup so you can unlock the door. Once you've regrouped, you can easily take downthe enemies without problem.Radios (2)1 -- In the back-up generator room.2 -- After meeting the kid and climbing the long ladder, it will be in roomafter the step-jump.Neko Cats (2)1 -- For this, you need to locate the spot where you picked up the 7337Defender shotgun barrel. From the spot where the placard was, look directlyacross the alleyway. You should see a tenement building emitting black smoke (ared roof building to its left and the comms building to its right will also beemitting black smoke). The building you're looking at though, will have a catstatue sitting on its top-most balcony.2 -- At the surgical amphitheatre (where the moral choice is made at thehospital), there will be an enemy ambush where mercenaries attack from twoinaccessible buildings. The building on the right has the cat statue. On thefloor with the emplaced gun, inspect the room to the right of the emplacement.The cat is on top of some appliance._______________________________________________________________________________Mission 005: The MallMorale ChoiceLeaving Breznhev alone will earn you $75,000. Taking him out earns you thedubious honor of being a know-it-all, moralistic a$$hole with the blood ofinnocents on your hands.Weapons & Parts + TruShot Mk.1 rifle barrel in the APC alley (where you start). Clear the zoneof enemies (Flamer super heavy and shotgun heavy) as well as enemies. Locate ablue truck cab at the end of the alley (near the gate to the next zone). Alarge trash bin near this blue truck cab has a placard next to it. + Grenade Launcher (weapon) from the hostage at the construction yard. + Kitchen Knife is found in comm array "tower". When you're about to placeBreznhev's bombs, you can get this part. Face the central tower (the bombs willbe behind you) and circle the floor to your right. There is a small boutiquewith the weapon behind the shop counter.Civilians (1)This is the guy at the construction yard. Before the cut-scene is triggered,you can actually snipe one of the enemies beforehand and reduce the number ofenemies (by one) watching the hostage, giving you a remarkably easier time.Radios (2)1 -- After the APC in the alley, it will be by the first PMC strongbox. This isafter Murray contacts you by radio about the mall.2 -- In the alley after the Mini-Gun Super-Heavy. At this point Murray willcontact the team a second time.Neko Cats (2)1 -- At the construction site, clear the zone up to the emplaced gun so youhave some peace to explore. Put the two construction cranes to your right thenlook back the way you came. You should see a bulldozer blade/shovel attachmenton the ground. Past this piece of environment is a tenement with a hangingbathtub (you cannot access this building). Just below the bathtub is a doorwaywith the Neko cat.2 -- Check the very top of the comms array tower before you bomb it. There is aNeko cat on it. Not sure what happens when you vape the tower and then try tolocate the statue._______________________________________________________________________________Mission 006: Shanghai Bund (not the TV show on KTSF-1 Channel 26)Morale ChoiceThere is no moral choice on this level.Weapons & Parts + Red Dot Sight (3X) Scope in the first pier. There is a circular plaza (withcolumns) at the first pier. This is just before the checkpoint mid-way through.You want to check the tunnel under the plaza -- the placard is in the middle ofthe hallway.Civilians (0)There are no civilians at this point.Radios (2)1 -- At the beginning of the chapter.2 -- At the first security checkpoint when you go underground between the piersections.Neko Cats (1)1 -- At the weapons ship pier with the first AA Gun, stay near the area whereyou popped out from the previous section. Use a sniper rifle and check out thecargo containers directly across from you (the ship will be on your left side).You should see a Neko Cat waving on top of the container wall._______________________________________________________________________________Mission 007: Chinese TempleMorale ChoiceKill Jonah the Religious Crack-pot or your partner for one of three endings.Note you need to play the other character if you want to unlock both goodendings for the achievement/trophy.Weapons & Parts + J37 Defender Mk4 Stock Shotgun Part can be found in the little room afteropening the first gate at the outer wall. The storage room has a green sign w/Chinese calligraphy above it.Civilians (0)There are no civilians at this point.Radios (1)1 -- After the Mini-Gun Super-Heavy, the team will be talking in a shorthallway before the inner courtyard. This is a cinematic area (like in Gears ofWar) where your characters move at walking speed and ditch all the temporaryweapons you may have kept.Neko Cats (1)1 -- In the temple area (Belly of the Beast) where you have to fight a Mini-gunSuper Heavy before proceeding to the final zone (with the Grenade Super Heavy),there is a Chinese pavillion with an emplaced gun. The cat is on the roof ofthis gun-pavillion. This same zone has four "entry" spots for enemies (one ineach corner); the gun-pavillion is on the flat area of the zone, not the stairswhere the Mini-gun Super Heavy comes from._______________________________________________________________________________Trophy / AchievementStory related -- Complete the game on any difficulty for six awardsSoftcore -- Complete half the game on Contractor difficultyHardcore -- Complete the entire game on Contractor difficulty (start a new game-- same file allowed -- and do not stage select afterwards)Meat Bag -- Take 15 enemies hostageCharge -- Sprint charge through 20 enemies (cumulative)The Beast -- In campaign mode, neutralize 6666 enemiesGrenadier -- Kill at least three enemies in one grenade explosionPistolier -- Neutralize 150 enemies with handgunsOld Faithful -- Neutralize 400 enemies with primary class weapons (theseweapons may be slotted temporarily to the special slot as well or be yourtemporary weapon)One Shot One Kill -- Neutralize 100 enemies with marksman riflesQuickdraw -- Neutralize 25 enemies with the quick drawOpen Hand Slap -- Neutralize 50 enemies using melee blows or bayonet attachmentsUnbreakable -- Complete a stage without being revivedNot So Bad After All -- Capture and arrest 15 enemies instead of executing themHealer -- Resuscitate your partner 10 ten timesCo Op Sniper -- Co-op snipe five enemies (cumulative)Attention Grabber -- Allow partner to snipe 5 enemies while in mock surrenderIn Synch -- Neutralize 2 enemies simultaneously in quick draw mode (humanpartner is recommended)Pumpkin Patch -- Neutralize 2 enemies with one bullet to their headsRock, Paper, Scissors -- Beat partner at this game three times in a rowTotal Fist Bump Destruction -- Complete the last level (finish game) as bestfriendsTotal Fist Bump Deflation -- Complete the last level (finish game) as enemiesTruth is Right Here -- Collect all radio objectsLoot and Pillage -- Collect one million dollars (cumulative; you can spend themoney as the total is tracked in stat-shot)Full Arsenal -- Collect all weapons and partsTouch Not a Cat But a Glove -- Destroy all Neko cats in campaignHate Monger -- Customize a primary class weapon to high degree of AggroScavenger -- Customize a weapon using three DIY parts (sodacan silencers,etc.). You need to use an assault rifle for the necessary slots (rusty stock,pipe bomb launcher, and any old supressor part that looks like it came fromCalifornia's murder capital: Oakland, followed closely by Richmond and EastPalo Alto).Optimist -- Make a good morality choicePurist -- Make all good moral choices in a single campaign (required to unlockthe G-18)Pessimist -- Make a bad morality choiceHeartless -- Make all bad moral choices in a single campaign (note this unlocksmore weapons)Humanist -- Save all hostages (and collect all ID Cards)Future Visions -- Unlock all possible outcomes (for the final good moralitychoice, you need to play Rios and Salem to get their respective endings)Fresh Meat -- Versus Mode: Revive partner and do a partner reload on a public matchFancy Meeting You Here -- Versus Mode: Invite a friend before joining a publicmatchBig Game Hunting -- Versus Mode: You must kill both players of a singlepartnership during a public matchJob Seeker -- Versus Mode: During a public match, kill a player with theprimary (or secondary) weapon from each weapon load-outDIY PMC -- Versus Mode: Go to, create a custom face mask anduse it during a public matchDeath Dealer -- Versus Mode: During a single public match, kill ten playerswith head shotsPower Couple -- Versus Mode: Earn the highest partnership score during a publicCo-Op Deathmatch, Control or Warzone matchAll Guns Blazing -- Versus Mode: During a public match, kill a player withevery weapon (including special weapons)Bound for Life -- Extraction Mode (Bonus): During a public match survive thewhole map without a single death on your teamKing of the Hill -- Extraction Mode (Bonus): Win a public match on every map inCo-Op Deathmatch, Warzone and ControlSurvival of the Fittest -- Extraction Mode (Bonus): Complete all 16 rounds of apublic extraction game_______________________________________________________________________________Extra Weapon problemAS-KRI and S0-Z Grand Pinger are unlocked by having a save file for the firstArmy of Two game on your system (and same profile).They do not count towards your trophy / achievement for all weapons and parts(since you require data from another game).EA Games knows there's a problem with the data reading in 40th Day. Simalcrumis not tech-support. If you're not willing to head to this thread for support: will ask for $40 USD for every e-mail sent as an inquiry to this matter._______________________________________________________________________________ When playing the game is more painful than dousing your crotch with battery acid, ask: simalcrum
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Army of Two: The 40th Day
EA Montreal
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